The Mikado (1968)

Producer/Director : Vera Stubbs
Musical Director : Chas. C. Twigg


The Mikado Of Japan: Clive Moul
Nanki-Poo (his son,disguised as a minstrel): Malcolm Buncher
Ko-Ko (Lord High Executioner of Titipu): Allan Haigh
Pooh-Bah (Lord High Everything Else): Geoffrey Greenwood
Pish-Tush (a Noble Lord): Theodore Robinson
-- Three Sisters, Wards of Ko-Ko --
Yum-Yum: Judith Haller
Pitti-Sing: Marjorie Harrap
Peep-Bo: Glenys Bretherick
Katisha (an Elderly Lady) : Margaret Whitaker

Ladies Chorus:
M. Burd, J. Craddock, G. Clegg, D. Exley, M. Greenwood, L. Farrar, G. Hall,
S. Kitson, E. Lister, B. Moul, H. Pairman, M. Roebuck, I. Richardson,
A. Snowball, P. Spurr, H. Stakes, C. Whittam.

Men's Chorus:
F. Burton, K. Basham, T. Chamberlain, W. Downes, D. Gill, W. Goddard,
D. Goddard, G. Goddard, G. Haller, B. Pearson, E. Thompson. A. Wright,
J.A. Whitehead, J. Squire.

"The Mikado" in photos