Events Diary

Did you know?

  • We first performed "HMS PINAFORE" in 1954 in Hanover Street Congregational Church school hall (long since demolished).
  • HMS Pinafore's was an extraordinary success in Britain, America and elsewhere and was followed by the similar success of a series of Gilbert and Sullivan works, including The Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado.The structure and style of these operas, particularly Pinafore, were much copied and contributed significantly to the development of modern musical theatre.
  • Take a look at our previous productions of "HMS Pinafore".

HMS Pinafore Poster

In 2025 we are performing

"HMS Pinafore"

At Batley Town Hall

Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th April at 7:15pm
Saturday 12th April at 2:15pm

Directed by David Hall

Musical Direction by Richard Buxton

"H.M.S. Pinafore", or The Lass That Loved a Sailor, originally opened at the Opera Comique in London on 25 May 1878, and ran for 571 performances, which was the second-longest run of any musical theatre piece up to that time. Note our run is slightly shorter, with just 4 opportunities to see our version.

The story takes place aboard the Royal Navy ship HMS Pinafore. The captain's daughter, Josephine, is in love with a lower-class sailor, Ralph Rackstraw, although her father intends her to marry Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of the Admiralty. She abides by her father's wishes at first, but Sir Joseph's advocacy of the equality of humankind encourages Ralph and Josephine to overturn conventional social order. They declare their love for each other and eventually plan to elope. The Captain discovers this plan, but, as in many of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas, a surprise disclosure changes things dramatically near the end of the story.

You can now book tickets for "HMS PINAFORE" by
calling our Booking Manager on
07810 447183.

Alternatively contact Kirklees Booking Office on
01484 225755
or online at