Gondoliers 1961

Producer/Director : W. Dobson
Musical Director : Chas. C. Twigg


Duke of Plaza Toro (a Grandee of Spain): Clive Moul
Luiz (his Attendant) : Alfred Smithson
Don Alhambra Del Bolero (the Grand Inquisitor) : Geoffrey Greenwood
Marco Palmieri : Allan Haigh
Giuseppe Palmieri : Eric Coupland
Antonio : William Benton
Francesco : Wilfred Downs
Giorgio : Frank Burton
Annibale : Stanley W. Lockyer
Duchess of Plaza Toro : Richmond Newsome
Casilda (her daughter) : Margaret Greenwood
Gianetta : Judith Rawdon
Tessa : Barbara Moul
Fiametta : Irene Richardson
Vittoria : Olga Carter
Giuila : Jennifer Locke
Inez (the King’s Foster-Mother) : Mary Price

Ladies' Chorus:
M. Wright, M. Haigh, D. Birkhead, B. Peace, S. Allott, D. Farquharson,
M. Locke, I. Hedley, M. Sands, M. Heward, S. Thraves, A. Senior,
M. Kettlewell and M. Coupland.

Gentlemen's Chorus:
W. Downs, J. Whitehead, F. Atkins, F. Burton, B. Pearson, F. Greenwood,
G. Halley, A. Wilbey, B. Birkett, A. Grayshon and F. Oldroyd.

"The Gondoliers" (1961) in photos