Producer/Director : Jeremy Shoesmith
Musical Director : Adam Boniface
Major-General Stanley: | Malcolm Parkinson |
The Pirate King: (Pirate Chief) | David Parker |
Frederic: (A Pirate Apprentice) | Leon Waksberg |
Samuel: (His Lieutenant) | Edwin Kirkwood |
Sergeant of Police: | Robert Thurman |
Ruth: (A Piratical Maid-of-all-work) | Anne Likeman |
Mabel: (General Stanley's 'youngest' daughter) | Carol Parkinson |
More of General Stanley's daughters | |
Edith: | Stephanie Roe |
Kate: | Bex Barker |
Isabel: | Rita Jno-Baptiste |
Fi Baker, Liz Blount, Simon Bray, Helen Carbutt, Marilyn Cooper, Jennifer Day, David Hall, Lyndsey Hall, Tracey Hook, Tony Johnson, Debbie Moores, Steve Roe, Lee Stone, Kath Thurman