Events Diary

Did You Know

  • From Gilbert's Bab Ballads: Bab Ballads, the judges song
    "The Judges Song"
  • Our 67th production and the sixth time we've produced "Trial By Jury". As on all the previous productions, this was a double bill with "HMS Pinafore".

    Take a look at our previous productions of "Trial by Jury".

  • "Trial by Jury" is the earliest work by Glbert & Sullivan still performed today. Their very first joint enterprise, Thespis (written as for the Christmas Season in 1871), has disappeared.
  • The bare bones for Trial appeared in the 11th April 1868 edition of Fun, a magazine to which Gilbert was a regular contributor. In 1875, Richard D'Oyly Carte commissioned Gilbert & Sullivan to produce a short opera. By then, Gilbert had turned the original idea into a full-scale libretto which proved the perfect basis for Sullivan's music.
Trial By Jury/HMS Pinafore programme cover (2015)

Producer/Director : Stephanie Roe
Musical Director : Nicholas Whitaker


The Learned Judge: Richard Buxton
Counsel for the Plaintiff: Carol Parkinson
The Defendant: Leon Waksberg
Foreman of the Jury: David Hall
Usher: Robert Thurman
The Associate: David Parker
The Plaintiff: Liz Blount
The Bridesmaids: Helen Carbutt, Lyndsey Hall,Martina O'Rourke,
Catherine Roberts, Deirdre O'Shea, Alison Burton
-- Gentlemen of the Jury --

Stephen Briggs, Clive Daniel, AJ Jno-Baptiste, Tony Johnston, Roger Middleton, Eoin O'Shea

-- Members of the Public Gallery --

Jennifer Day,Rita Jno-Baptiste, Debbie Moores, Kathryn Thurman

"Trial by Jury" in pictures