Events Diary

Did You Know?

  • The Society's 62nd Gilbert & Sullivan production, the seventh time for "Iolanthe" and the first performed in Batley Town Hall since 1987. We welcomed Philip Sutcliffe as our producer for the first time.

    After 23 years performing at Dewsbury Little Theatre, it all came to an abrupt end when we were given 3 months notice of its closure. Whilst the fabric of the building had deteriorated, the theatre provided intimate accommodation for the Society (and a number of others. Regrettably, given the economic client, our local Authority (Kirklees) were unable to finance the works needed to meet the standards required for public buildings.

    Unusually, the production was in June rather than April. Very much a consequence of the closure of the Little Theatre.

    Dewsbury Little Theatre
    "Dewsbury Little Theatre"

  • Take a look at our previous productions of "Iolanthe".

    2023 2011 2001 1992 1983 1972 1960 1950.

Iolanthe (2011)

Producer/Director : Philip Sutcliffe
Musical Director : Colin Akers


The Lord Chancellor: Robert Thurman
Earl of Mountararat: Trevor Roberts
Earl Tolloller: Ian Townend
Private Willis :
(of the Grenadier Guards)
Gerald Tinson
Strephon :
(an Arcadian Sheperd)
Leon Waksberg
Queen of the Fairies: Penny McGoverin
Iolanthe :
(a Fairy, Strephon's Mother)
Rebecca Foster
-- Fairies --
Celia: Lisa O'Shea
Leila: Kathryn Buxton
Fleta: Tracey Hook
Phyllis :
(An Arcadian Shepherdess & Ward of Chancery)
Anna Trent
Chorus of Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts, Barons and Fairies:

Clive Daniel, Jennifer Day, Alan Evans, Margaret Hanson, A J Jno-Baptiste, Deirdre O'Shea, Fintan O'Shea, Catherine Roberts, Sally Roberts, Graham Robson, Andrew Stopford, Marie Sugden, Peter Sugden, Kelvyn Waites.

"Ruddigore" in pictures