Pirates of Penzance (2019)

Producer/Director : Jeremy Shoesmith
Musical Director : Adam Boniface


Major-General Stanley : Malcolm Parkinson
The Pirate King (Pirate Chief): David Parker
Frederic (A Pirate Apprentice): Leon Waksberg
Samuel (His Lieutenant): Edwin Kirkwood
Sergeant of Police : Robert Thurman
Ruth (A Piratical Maid-of-all-work): Anne Likeman
Mabel (General Stanley's 'youngest' daughter): Carol Parkinson
-- More of General Stanley's daughters --
Edith:Stephanie Roe
Kate:Bex Barker
Isabel:Rita Jno-Baptiste

Chorus of Pirates, Policemen and Daughters:
Fi Baker, Liz Blount, Simon Bray, Helen Carbutt, Marilyn Cooper, Jennifer Day,
David Hall, Lyndsey Hall, Tracey Hook, Tony Johnson, Debbie Moores,
Steve Roe, Lee Stone, Kath Thurman

"The Pirates of Penzance" in photos