Patience (1971)

Producer/Director : Vera Stubbs
Musical Director : Ronald Whittam


-- Officers of the Dragoon Guards --
Colonel Calverley: Geoffrey Greenwood
Major Murgatroyd :Robert B. Wilman
Lieut. The Duke of Dunstable: Allan Haigh
Reginald Bunthorne(a fleshly poet):Clive Moul
Archibald Grosvenor (an idyllic poet):Max Moore
Mr. Bunthorne's Solicitor :Keith Webster
-- Rapturous Maidens --
The Lady Angela: Clarice Whittam
The Lady Saphir: Glenys Bretherick
The Lady Ella: Celia Woodcock
The Lady Jane: Margaret Greenwood
Patience (A Dairy Maid): Judith Haller

Ladies Chorus (Rapturous Maidens):
J. Beattie, B. Clegg, D. Exley, M. Harrap, S. Kitson, V. Moore, B. Moul,
N. Newell, H. Stakes, M. Whitaker, J. Wood, K. Wright, L. Spence.

Gentlemen's Chorus (Dragoon Guards):
F. Burton, H. Beaumont, T. Chamberlain, J. Grayson, P. Godfrey, G. Haller,
P. Newell, B. Pearson, E.Thompson, A. Wright, M. Woodcock, R. Wood.

"Patience" in photos